Payment and dispatch

Payment and dispatch

The following terms and conditions apply:

Domestic delivery (Germany) and neighbouring countries: Österreich/Austria, Niederlande/Netherlands, Belgien/Belgium, Luxemburg/Luxembourg, Großbritannien/Great Britain, Frankreich/France, Dänemark/Denmark, Italien/Italy, Schweden/Sweden, Spanien/Spain, Tschechische Republik/Czech Republic, Liechtenstein/Liechtenstein, Polen/Poland, Finnland/Finland, Griechenland/Greece, Irland/Ireland, Portugal/Portugal, Rumänien/Romania, Slowakei/Slovakia, Ungarn/Hungary, USA, Australien/Australia .

Dispatch costs (inclusive of legally applicable VAT)

Domestic deliveries (Germany): 

We do not charge any shipping costs.

Deliveries to foreign countries:

We charge a flat shipping fee for international deliveries:

Österreich/Austria: 8,75 €
Niederlande/Netherlands: 8,75 €
Belgien/Belgium: 8,75 €
Luxemburg/Luxembourg: 8,75 €
Polen/Poland: 8,75 €
Frankreich/France: 8,75 €
Tschechische Rep./Czech Rep.: 8,75 €
Italien/Italy: 11,50 €
Grossbritannien/UK: 11,50 €
Schweden/Sweden: 11,50 €
Spanien/Spain: 11,50 €
Schweiz/Switzerland: 12,95 €
Liechtenstein: 12,95 €
Slowakei/Slovakia: 12,95 €
Ungarn/Hungary: 12,95 €
Finnland/Finnland: 12,95 €
Griechenland/Greece: 16,90 €
Rumänien/Romania: 16,90 €
Irland/Irland: 18,90 €
Portugal: 19,90 €
USA: 32,95 €
Australien/Australia: 32,95 €

Sollte Ihre Bestellung für den internationalen Briefversand geeignet sein, bieten wir Ihnen diesen für 4,40 Euro Versandkosten automatisch an.
Somit können Sie je nach Lieferland einiges an Versandkosten sparen.

If your order can be sent by letter, we choose automatically this shipping method at 4,40 €. Depending on the country of destination you can save on shipping costs.

Au cas où votre commande pourrait être envoyée par lettre, nous choisirons automatiquement ce mode d'envoi à 4,40 €. Dépendant du pays de destination, vous faites alors des économies remarquables sur les frais d'envoi.

Se il vostro ordine potrebbe essere inviata a mezzo lettera, sceglieremo automaticamente questa modalità di spedizione a 4,40 €. A seconda del paese di destinazione, si fanno alcune notevoli risparmi sulle spese di spedizione.

Si su pedido puede enviarse por carta, lo ofrecemos automaticamente a 4,40 €. Según el país de envío puede ahorrar gastos.

Delivery periods

Unless otherwise specified in the quote, domestic delivery of goods shall be made (Germany) within 1 - 3 days, for deliveries abroad within 3 - 21 days from conclusion of contract (if advance payment agreed from the date of the payment instruction).
Please note that deliveries are not made on Sundays and other holidays.

If you have ordered articles with different delivery dates, we send the articles together in one delivery if no other agreement has been made. The delivery date for the complete order will be the same as that of the article with the longest delivery time.

Accepted Payment options

-  Prepayment via transfer

In case of questions, please contact us at the contact details mentioned in the Legal Notice.
